Rady Fit Fest is a week-long event for both members and non-members. Our goal is to showcase not only fitness, but how the various dimensions of health and wellness work together to optimize health and quality of life. Fit fest will be comprised of specialty fitness classes, wellness lectures and interactive trainer talks. Topics include nutrition, active aging, mindfulness and some team-teach classes! Checkout the entire schedule and details below. We look forward to seeing you at Fit Fest.
REGISTER HERE (Click Online Group Fitness Tab, Select Fit Fest from drop down menu)
Schedule of Events
Mindful Yoga & Meditation for Nervous System Resilience with Rose
Sunday May 29th 10:00 am-11:15am
Multi-purpose Room
Members – FREE Non-members $15
Rose combines traditional yoga with Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) techniques to understand the relationship between breath, movement and enteroception (inner awareness). Observing how these come together in practice can influence the Autonomic Nervous System. This 75-minute class offers meditation, pranayama and movement practices to increase Vagal Tone, widen the Window of Tolerance and effect neuroplastic and behavioral changes that allow individuals to have greater control over their responses to the challenges and struggles of life.
Trainer Talks: LET’S TALK BACK! (Rady personal Trainer, Davis)
Monday May 30th 11:30 a.m.- 12:15 p.m.
Small Gym (Lower Level)
Members – FREE Non-members $10
In this practical workshop, you will learn specific actions you can take to treat and “bulletproof” the structures of your spine!
The spine is an intricate anatomical structure functioning to flex, extend and rotate the trunk. There are many different injuries that can occur along the tissues of the spine. Common offenders include ligament sprain, muscle strain, and disc herniation. These injuries alone make back pain an incredibly prevalent and disabling health concern. There are many exercises and modalities we can use to help decrease pain/dysfunction and improve our condition. This workshop will break down several common causes of back pain and how to best integrate safe and effective exercises into prevention and treatment.
Nutrition Workshop: Joan Marks
Tuesday May 31 7:00 p.m.- 8:00 p.m.
Adult Lounge
Members – $10 Non-members $15
Weight A Minute!
Helping Women Optimize Nutrition During the Peri-Menopausal and Menopausal Years
Facilitator: Registered Dietitian – Joan Marks, BASc, RD
Deadline to register is May 20th. Spots are limited.
All registrations will go through Rady JCC
Feel Well Be Well Lecture with Danita Aziza
Wednesday June 1 11:30 a.m.- 12:15 p.m.
Kroft Boardroom
Members – FREE Non-members $10
Preventative Health First is based on the premise that it is much easier and cost efficient to prevent illness than to restore health when sickness and disease occurs. The benefits of good physical and emotional health are significant for everyone!
Feel Well Be Well is an innovative preventative health seminar that is designed to provide effective and easy -to- implement suggestions for achieving better health. The seminar is designed to:
- Educate, but not overwhelm you
- Empower you to take charge of your health
- Equip you with credible and practical tools to improve your physical and emotional well-being
Trainer Talks: Exercise as a lifestyle for Mental Health Resiliency (Rady Personal Trainer Scott)
Thursday June 2 7:00 p.m.
Kroft Boardroom
Members – FREE Non-members $10
The connection between healthy mind and healthy body has never been as important to recognize as it is right now.
Respecting one’s mental health and appreciating the benefits gained from treating ourselves as we deserve will reap huge rewards going forward.
Scott’s experience in physically demanding work, combined with real world mental health (PTSD) recovery/management strategies may provide previously untapped insight into personal well being.
This is a highly interactive session that relies on questions of the presenter. Scott’s goal is to share as much learned experience in a raw and sometimes emotional manner. He is passionate about walking the talk and modelling a warrior (survivor) mentality.
Outdoor Zumba Team Teach
Friday June 3 12:00 p.m.- 1:00 p.m.
Outdoors on Wellington Cres. side or small gym (backup)
Members – FREE Non-members $15
Sheila and Fermel will be team teaching a high energy 60 minute Zumba class to start your weekend off right! Join your Rady instructors for this outdoor premium fitness opportunity!
REGISTER HERE (Click Online Group Fitness Tab, Select Fit Fest from drop down menu)