Good morning Rady Friends,
It seems like every time we turn on the local news, the sobering reality of our local case counts remind us that this pandemic is far from over. Gone are the simpler times when the first snowfall of the year would have led the evening news cycle.
This new normal we are all living has been a hard adjustment for many. Here at Rady, we continue to work tirelessly to ensure your safety is top priority if you make the choice to use our facility. Last week, we updated our membership on our new mask policy. If you missed this, you can read about it here.
We continue to enforce physical distancing throughout the Rady including our locker rooms. Dedicated staff remind members about our temporary rules in effect while on the fitness floor. I am happy to say that these rules have been met with positive reactions from our members. Thank you for this. We all recognize the individual roles we play in curbing this pandemic.
Please note that starting in one month on Monday, November 30, the Rady will implement our new Winter hours of operation. They will be:
Monday to Thursday, 6:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Friday, 6:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Saturday to Sunday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
We also continue to explore innovative ways in which we can bring the Rady to those who are still at home not quite ready to return just yet. These include developing virtual platforms for Rady group fitness classes, personal training, and fitness coaching. More information on these exciting new ways of online engagement will be coming soon.
So, for now, as our days become shorter and our nights turn colder, stay positive. Stay committed. And stay tuned to the local news.
Warm regards,
Rob Berkowits
Executive Director
Rady JCC
One more thing!
It’s hard to believe that we are just over one month out from the first night of Hanukkah. With that said, I am thrilled to announce a brand-new promotion, giving people the opportunity to win some absolutely amazing NFL, NBA, and NHL autographed sports memorabilia – ‘Eight Amazing Days of Hanukkah Giveaways!’
Want to play?
Below is a breakdown of the rules and the list of incredible prizes. One Super Ticket gets you into all eight draws and there is a maximum of only 50 tickets available. We will be drawing daily on Facebook Live beginning on December 10 so you can watch in real time to see if you are a winner.
Here’s what you need to know:
- Super Tickets are $500 each and come with full tax receipts
- There are only 50 Super Tickets available for purchase total – the odds are great!
- Super Ticket holders remain in each draw, even if you win one of the days
- People/businesses can purchase as many as they wish
Why are we doing this?
All dollars raised go directly to support our cancelled 48th Annual Rady JCC Ken Kronson Sports Dinner fundraiser. Dollars from our dinner enable the Rady JCC to provide scholarships, camperships, and community service programs for those in the community who need them most regardless of financial situation, ability, age or cultural background.
If you are interested in scoring your Super Ticket, please either contact Michelle McFarlane at 204.477.7513 or reply to this email to let us know you want in.
