Rady JCC Membership Dues Update

March 25, 2020

We are sharing information about the ongoing status of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) as it relates to your membership dues. As you are aware, on Monday, March 16, we closed our facility until it is deemed safe to reopen. We also cancelled or postponed all Rady classes, events, and gatherings.

The impact that this pandemic is having on everyone’s daily life in Winnipeg, throughout Canada, and around the world is astounding. Even more, the manner in which it has been spreading is something none of us could ever have thought in our wildest imaginations.

As a non-profit organization, the ongoing safety and wellbeing of everyone in our community is paramount. Social distancing is more important than ever right now. While we want nothing more than to be able to welcome our members back here to the facility so many of us cherish, we understand this cannot happen right now. That said, we want you to be aware of how we are effectively managing your ongoing membership dues.

Members who pay dues month-to-month:

We will stop taking your monthly payments until such time as we will be able to reopen our facility. We will advise you of when the monthly payment will start again.

Members who pre-pay dues in full:

We will extend your membership expiry date for a period equal to our closure. We will advise later what length of time that will be.


During this time of uncertainty, our ultimate hope is that you consider another option with regard to your ongoing membership dues. We ask that you consider converting your ongoing membership payments into donations to the Rady by continuing your payments while we are closed. (For those who have memberships paid in full, we ask that you consider making a donation). Though our facility is shut down, many of our normal operating expenses remain. Your gift will greatly assist us right now as we all work together to get through this uncertain pandemic.

To share a positive note, some of our Rady JCC members have already stepped up and done just this. Early last week, long-time member and community leader Dr. David Brodovsky sent us this message:

“The Rady is a very special place for my wife Sheila and me. It’s so much more than just a fitness facility. It’s a gathering place for friends, family, and community. If the Rady closure lasts for a few months, as it well may, freezes would be a very significant financial loss. We would be glad to donate our membership dues until such a time as the situation stabilizes and get a receipt for a charitable donation.”

Upon reopening, we plan to recognize all our members who, like David and Sheila, are making these conscious choices.

If you choose to convert your payments during our closure into donations, you will be issued a charitable donation receipt in full. Please contact us directly at (204) 477-7510 if you are wishing to do so.

As this pandemic is changing every day, we will continue to update you on a timeline as to when we will all be together again in a vibrant Rady Jewish Community Centre.

Stay safe,

Rob Berkowits
Executive Director
Rady JCC