Harvey Cogan Recipient Of The Sid Slonim Memorial Award

December 14, 2018

The Sid Slonim Memorial Award is named after the late Sid Slonim, a long time member of the Rady JCC and previously YMHA. Sid symbolized the values of the Rady JCC, bringing people together through their participation at the Rady JCC.

This years recipient is Harvey Cogan.

Harvey’s strong commitment to the Jewish Community is evident by the number of community activities he attends at the Rady JCC.  Active living is very important to him, and we are so happy Harvey spends a lot of time at the JCC. On any given day, Harvey can be seen working out in the second level fitness centre, attending the Sid’s group or doing laps in the swimming pool. Harvey knew Sid Slonim well and was one of the original members of Sid’s group.

Harvey and his wife Nessie have been long time members and take full advantage of all the programs Rady offers. Harvey cares about everyone at the JCC and goes out of his way to check in on his friends. He is in many ways a one-man welcoming committee, warmly embracing new members and making sure that they feel at home at the Rady JCC. Harvey’s positive attitude brings a smile to the face of everyone he sees at the JCC. He truly embodies the value of Hachnasat Orchrim.

A very deserving recipient, who like his dear friend Sid, symbolizes the very “heart” of the Rady JCC, bringing people together through their participation at our centre.