Rady Fit Fest is a week-long event for both members and non-members. Our goal is to showcase not only fitness, but how the various dimensions of health and wellness work together to optimize health and quality of life. Fit fest will be comprised of specialty fitness classes, wellness lectures and interactive trainer talks. Topics include nutrition, active aging, mindfulness and some team-teach classes! Checkout the entire schedule and details below. We look forward to seeing you at Fit Fest.
REGISTER HERE (Click Online Group Fitness Tab, Select Fit Fest from drop down menu)
Schedule of Events
Trainer Talks: Exercise as a lifestyle for Mental Health Resiliency (Rady Personal Trainer Scott)
Thursday June 2 7:00 p.m.
Kroft Boardroom
Members – FREE Non-members $10
The connection between healthy mind and healthy body has never been as important to recognize as it is right now.
Respecting one’s mental health and appreciating the benefits gained from treating ourselves as we deserve will reap huge rewards going forward.
Scott’s experience in physically demanding work, combined with real world mental health (PTSD) recovery/management strategies may provide previously untapped insight into personal well being.
This is a highly interactive session that relies on questions of the presenter. Scott’s goal is to share as much learned experience in a raw and sometimes emotional manner. He is passionate about walking the talk and modelling a warrior (survivor) mentality.
Outdoor Zumba Team Teach
Friday June 3 12:00 p.m.- 1:00 p.m.
Outdoors on Wellington Cres. side or small gym (backup)
Members – FREE Non-members $15
Sheila and Fermel will be team teaching a high energy 60 minute Zumba class to start your weekend off right! Join your Rady instructors for this outdoor premium fitness opportunity!
REGISTER HERE (Click Online Group Fitness Tab, Select Fit Fest from drop down menu)