BBYO Floor Hockey Waiver

    bbyo has clearly defined the expectations for acceptable conduct at all local, national, and international programs, and has identified the consequences of unacceptable behaviour. The Code of Conduct was developed in consultation with the International AZA and BBG Boards and the International Management Team. Below are the major themes of the Code. Each member is expected to read and be familiar with the complete Code of Conduct. • The organization is committed to safeguarding the rights given to all members upon registering in bbyo and by the laws of each individual community. In addiction, bbyo strives to promote a safe, healthy, orderly, and civil bbyo environment. • bbyo is a drug and smoke-free organization. At bbyo events or activities, members are prohibited from possessing, consuming, selling, distributing or being under the influence of alcoholic beverages or other illegal substances. • Conduct that is disruptive and/or insubordinate is not permitted. • Conduct that endangers the safety, morals, health or welfare of themselves and/or others will not be tolerated. • Gambling is against bbyo policy. • All members are to give proper attention to personal cleanliness and to dress appropriately for bbyo functions and events sponsored by the organization. Members who violate the Code of Conduct will be subject to disciplinary action including removal from programs, suspension or expulsion from the organization. Code of Conduct: The Member aggress to abide by bbyo’s Code of Conduct, to follow the directions of bbyo volunteers and staff, and to show respect for all participants, volunteers, and bbyo staff during all bbyo sponsored activities, the Member and Parent or Guardian understand and acknowledge bbyo’s right, in its sole discretion, to remove the Member form any programming (and from the organization as a whole) should bbyo determine that the Member has engaged in conduct in violation of the foregoing. The Member and Parent or Guardian acknowledge that it is bbyo’s expectation that the Member will conduct himself/herself in a manner exemplifying the ideals of the organization while participating in bbyo sponsored activities.

After completion, register for this session in Program Listings & Registration under the “Youth Events” category to claim a spot.