Do you remember Juvenile A clubs or teen canteen dances? Athlete of the Year awards or 91 Albert Street?  Camp Playmore, Funland or Tikvah?  The schvitz or the first Sports Dinner?
Do you still have your first membership card? Were you at Careeba opening night?
Did you work at the Rady day camp, graduate from the Rady childcare program or hora at last year’s Yom Ha’atzmaut celebration? Are you a Folklorama volunteer or a fan of the Jewish Film Festival?
Did the YMHA and now Rady JCC provide you with connection, camaraderie and community?
Has the Rady JCC become a second home to you?
If so, the Jewish Heritage Centre of Western Canada would like to hear from you.
The JHCWC is collecting memorabilia, memories and stories in anticipation of the YMHA/Rady JCC’s 100th anniversary in 2019.  Let us know how the YMHA/Rady JCC has made a difference in your life!
To learn more about this project, or to share a story, memory or memento, please contact Sharon Chisvin at