So why should you make exercise a part of your routine for life? After all, it’s not easy!
Well, until recently, no studies had looked at young twins and the impacts of different exercise routines on their health. Until this study, published in March 2015 in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. The researchers focused specifically on 10 pairs of male identical twins, one of whom regularly exercised, while the other did not.
It turned out that these genetically identical twins looked surprisingly different beneath the skin and skull.
The sedentary twins had lower endurance capacities, higher body fat percentages, and signs of insulin resistance, signaling the onset of metabolic problems.
The twins’ brains also were unalike. The active twins had significantly more grey matter than the sedentary twins, especially in areas of the brain involved in motor control and coordination.
So exercise is not just about looking better, but feeling better (and smarter) too!
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And we want to make sure we help set you up for long-term success. After all, establishing the habit of exercise is the hardest part of all.
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